Zoe Porter
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Zoe Porter
Sea Oddities (Sea Urchin)
2019$350 -
Zoe Porter
Sea Oddities (Wakame)
2019$350 -
Zoe Porter
Awabe/Abalone Neckpiece
2019$450 -
Zoe Porter
Erotic Tales (Ama)
2019$500 -
Zoe Porter
Sea Oddities (video)
2019$500 -
Zoe Porter
Awabiokoshi Antler tool
2019$650 -
Zoe Porter
After the Dive
2019$750 -
Zoe Porter
2019$750 -
Zoe Porter
Kuzaki Ama
2019$750 -
Zoe Porter
Spring Harvest (Arame)
2019$750 -
Zoe Porter
The Ama Goya
$750 -
Zoe Porter
Wetsuits drying in the Ama-Goya
2019$750 -
Zoe Porter
2018$950 -
Zoe Porter
2018$1,250 -
Zoe Porter
Ama & the Umibozu (based on a photograph by KURIHARA Tatsuo – Foundation Tokai Suisan Kagaku)
2019$5,000 -
Zoe Porter
Kachido Ama from Chiba (after Yoshiyuki Iwase)