The Directors of Onespace Gallery, John Stafford and Jodie Cox, and our staff acknowledge the recent passing of the amazingly influential artist, Arone Meeks. Arone has left an extraordinary artistic legacy and led an impressive life of social commitment in numerous areas such as teaching, health, and First Nations issues, all of which informed the breadth and depth of his art practice. We have worked for some time with Arone to present a much-anticipated solo exhibition of selected recent works in Brisbane this year. With the support of his partner Geoff, and close friends and colleagues in Cairns, we are honouring Arone’s intention for us to proceed with his exhibition. This exhibition, Evidence, is a selection of recent works and not a survey of Arone’s practice. Evidence will now be just one of many gestures to recognise and celebrate the lasting influence of the inspirational Arone Meeks.